Monday, August 13, 2018

TV interview thoughts

     There is nothing like logging onto Facebook after being out of town in the countryside the entire weekend, and noticing that on your newsfeed, a Christian TV channel has featured an interview you did in 2015 and actually had conveniently forgotten about.....

     Truth be told, I just about loathe being on TV.  Newspaper interviews are not a whole lot better -- I did one last year as PR for a local event and was so nervous, I could barely get myself out of my chair at the end.  I still haven't been able to watch the TV interview in its entirety, although a couple of my close friends assure me that it went just fine (I hope they are telling the truth!).

    However, Himlen TV7 decided to make a 4 minute mini-Youtube version of the interview and today I literally forced myself to watch it (I kept my eyes closed at times).  Although I still find it really eerie to hear myself speaking Swedish, I actually agreed with the content of the interview (which maybe shouldn't be so surprising, since they were my thoughts!!).  Some of the things I managed to touch upon include the importance of embracing diverse musical styles in our churches today, and not limiting ourselves to one style.  In this way, we are inclusive and encourage multi-generational worship services, which are very important as we can learn from one another.  In addition, I believe that our calling from the Lord is usually not a static one, but something which is constantly changing as He molds us.  In fact, if we knew everything He asked us to do right from day one, we would probably be too scared to do anything, so He often reveals things slowly.

     Seeing the interview on Facebook today also reminded me about what I should be focusing on.  In all honesty, it is easy for me to become distracted and de-motivated at times -- much of leading worship can feel like a chore when you do the same things every week (picking songs, writing chord charts, rehearsing with amateur musicians and getting to church early on a Sunday).  However, it is when we are faithful in the small things that the Lord can really use us to change the people and situations around us.  And although TV and newspaper interviews are not my thing and I don't feel at all qualified to do them, I know that one small step of obedience often blesses other people.

   If you speak Swedish, you can watch the shorter Youtube-version here or the complete version here.  If you do manage to watch the whole thing, please let me know what you think and even better -- remind me what I said, because it might just be that I need to hear it again from someone else. :)

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