Friday, October 11, 2013

Autumn leaves

     I haven't blogged in almost two months and that is perhaps no big surprise, given that the academic year has begun, and with it, all kinds of responsibilities!  In all honesty, I've been working non-stop, and to make things even more challenging, I managed to book every weekend solid throughout the month of September!  What was I THINKING?  However, I'm falling into a rhythm and had a chance to relax last weekend, so there is hope in sight!    

     Fall is truly here up in the north, and with it, crisp mornings and a dazzling array of colours adorns the trees.  In fact, I have a lovely view from my living room window out into the yard!   Earlier today, I took a walk in the neighbourhood and there was a lovely blanket of reds and oranges covering entire areas!  It was truly a delight to go crunching through the piles on my way!  

     My only issue with fall is what comes after it -- the long, frigid, dark winter we have up here.  I've grown up with cold winters all my life, although these past two have been especially snowy.  Today as I was taking my walk, a gust of wind blew, causing a small shiver and I immediately was reminded of that inevitable winter, set to grace our paths in but a few short weeks.  And then I chided myself, because I realized this kind of thinking is robbing me from enjoying the present splendour.  Instead of being thankful that we've had very little rain, here I am worrying about the snow when it hasn't even arrived yet!

     Have you noticed that our lives also have seasons?  Right now, I am in a season of discovery and great joy, having just embarked on several new personal projects (more on those in future blog posts!).  In addition, my work place is a breeding ground for the exchange of ideas (scholarly, pedagogical, musical and otherwise) and personal growth on so many levels, and did I mention that I have fantastic, helpful colleagues who are fun?   I'm embracing all of these new and exciting things and sometimes, I have to pinch myself to be sure it's still me.  Not a bad place to be.   However, I recall seasons of my life which were less than ideal -- where I questioned my self-worth, relationships, my career, my purpose and yes, even my existence.  Perhaps you have been there too.  This popular song by Matt Redman comes to mind:

"you give and take away, you give and take away
my heart will choose to say, "blessed be your name."'

    Just yesterday, a close friend recounted how much this song meant to her during a particularly high season in her life.  At once, she felt the Lord challenge her to sing these words when the going gets rough, and indeed soon enough, her time of trial and testing came, and yet she was still able to sing the same song.  And so it is that in all things, in all seasons, we CHOOSE to bless the name of our creator who made both the winter's snowflakes and the brilliantly coloured leaves of fall.  Furthermore, in those seasons of great happiness, we gather faith to endure those times of hardship.

    Seasons.  The rhythm of life that we have received.  Woven throughout is our song, the thread that binds all it touches together in praise.      


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